Daily Archives: October 21, 2016

Third Time’s a Charm

Finally.  This third and final Trump/Clinton debate proved to be the most fair and substantive…by far.  Legendary journalist Chris Wallace was the true winner of the night, and quite frankly, embarrassed and put to shame the previous Hillary loving, hack journalists that moderated the first two debates.  Universal praise from both sides.  Fair and tough questions, zero favoritism, feet held to the fire…and even some semblance of order.  Quite predictably, the mainstream media chose to give Hillary a complete pass on her numerous “non-answers” as it related to the gobs of uncomfortable issues and scandals she was confronted with.  However, the ridiculous headline out of the debate was Trump’s refusal to prematurely declare the election results acceptable…just that he would have to basically wait & see.  Not an imprudent position, given THE NEWS OF THE DAY…namely, the Project Veritas videos showing high level Democratic operatives explaining on hidden camera how to perpetrate voter fraud!  Add to that the historical backdrop of Al Gore and John Kerry, who each claimed their respective elections in 2000 and 2004 (both vs George W. Bush) were stolen from them.  Given the proper context around this admittedly non-political response by Trump, the mountain of wadded up mainstream media panties over this is truly stunning. Continue reading