Daily Archives: October 12, 2016

I’m Back, Baby!

Often sequels are just a shadow of the original, but Trump/Clinton II certainly broke that mold. All that was missing was the steel cage and an eye gouge or two.  More thoroughly entertained I could not have been.  This battle had it all…sex, survival, suspense, accusations, mind games…did I mention sex?  The Donald, ever the showman, arranges a pre-game powwow with a few of Bubba’s past, shall we say, “less than willing” conquests and the gullible media…followed by the parade of paramours marching to their primo front row seats (surely obtained without the help of Stub Hub).  I’ll bet the millennials, too young to REALLY know the Clinton’s, were burning up their iPads googling “Bill Clinton’s Broken Zipper.” They certainly weren’t going to hear those salacious details from the mainstream media. Continue reading