A Taxing Situation

There seems to be no end to the nonsensical and hypocritical BS that spews out of the Clinton campaign and their Siamese twin, the mainstream media.  The latest dog squeeze in this regard is the insanely earth shattering issue of Donald Trump’s taxes.  I have to say, THIS one really steams my clams.  The liberal rag and bedfellow of the Progressive Movement that is The New York Times thought they FINALLY had The Donald by the short hairs.  If you haven’t heard by now…it seems that they (likely illegally) obtained a page of a 1995 tax return that shows…I hope you’re sitting down…Donald Trump actually declaring a fully legal business loss on his taxes! Nooooooooooooooo!!!  Honey, get the smelling salts!  Now, let me give you a moment to catch your breath and regain your composure after having this shocking news thrust upon you…

This is all just another shiny penny for the Democrats to wave around to divert attention away from the fact that there is not one Clinton/Obama policy that can be intelligently defended.  I suppose the fact that this was a rather astronomical amount (over $900M, driven most notably by difficulties with his Atlantic City casinos in the midst of an awful economy), is the reason the amateur IRS agents at the NY Times (in conjunction with their ideological brethren over at the Clinton campaign) is falling all over themselves to make hay of this….despite the fact that tax experts hired by the Times themselves said there was no evidence of wrongdoing.  As if they needed to even ask one.  The downright hypocrisy of all this…where to begin?   Every person in this wonderful United States does everything they can to LEGALLY minimize the amount of taxes they have to pay.  Further, every rich mogul or corporation hires teams of tax accountants and attorneys to accomplish this.  And may I be so bold as to say if you DON’T do this…that would make you dumb as a stump.  To pretend otherwise is not only asinine, but insults everyone’s intelligence…as well as wastes their time.  If by legally declaring this loss, Trump was able to offset that amount of income over subsequent years, then so be it.  In fact, what Trump took advantage of is a hallmark of our tax code, not some obscure loophole only tapped into by corporations and the mega-wealthy.

Trump surrogate and Super Mayor, Rudy Giuliani, said it best to CNN’s Jake Tapper…“The reality is, this is part of our tax code. The man’s a genius. He knows how to operate the tax code to the benefit of the people he’s serving,..The law is responsible for it.  If you have a set of laws, you live by those laws. And the reality is, you are ignoring completely the fiduciary obligation he has to all the people around him to run his business at the lowest possible expense.”  This faux issue actually plays into a major Trump narrative that the ridiculous tax code ought to be tossed in the garbage and simplified down to a one or two page submission. In contrast, Hillary would add yet another bracket to the existing ones…a 4% surcharge on income over $5M, jacking up the top rate to a whopping 43.6%.  To the Clinton’s, the tax code is simply one of the many vehicles by which they can shower favors upon their big donors and special interests that, truth be told, have THEM by the short hairs…all the while continuing to add to their quarter-billion dollar fortune obtained solely via their (sarcasm alert) “lifetime of public service.”  And according to Hillary, they left the White House broke.  Cue the violins.

I have to give credit where credit is due.  I mean, the Lefties are quite adept at certain things…pot calling the kettle black…throwing stones in glass houses (or in their case, catapulting boulders).  In less than a day after the high-fiving in the NY Times newsroom, it was reported that the Clinton’s declared a $700,000 capital loss on their 2015 taxes which could similarly be used to offset income in other years.  Far left website Media Matters (funded by Socialist billionaire George Soros) attempted to dispute this, when if fact, their only response was (and I paraphrase)…Well, they only got a small benefit from declaring this loss.  Nice try, Libs.  The issue is the law and the concept… the amount is irrelevant.  In addition, The NY Times, through some creative tax accounting, actually paid no taxes themselves in 2014.  Are we seeing a pattern here?  This was explained at the time by saying they were “favorably affected by approximately $21.1 million for the reversal of reserves for uncertain tax positions due to the lapse of applicable statutes of limitations.”  Huh?  Yeah, I sprayed my latte all over the cat in laughter as I read this.  Gibberish doesn’t begin to describe that statement.  But I would expect nothing less from these dishonest European wannabes.  I’ll say one thing for the liberal elites…they are the Picasso’s of intellectual dishonesty.

Note to Hillary…as you cackle about this between coughing fits at every sparsely attended campaign event, just remember that Donald Trump does more for this country every single day by employing tens of thousands of people than you or your philandering husband could do…or have done…in a lifetime as politicians.

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