Daily Archives: October 6, 2016

A Taxing Situation

There seems to be no end to the nonsensical and hypocritical BS that spews out of the Clinton campaign and their Siamese twin, the mainstream media.  The latest dog squeeze in this regard is the insanely earth shattering issue of Donald Trump’s taxes.  I have to say, THIS one really steams my clams.  The liberal rag and bedfellow of the Progressive Movement that is The New York Times thought they FINALLY had The Donald by the short hairs.  If you haven’t heard by now…it seems that they (likely illegally) obtained a page of a 1995 tax return that shows…I hope you’re sitting down…Donald Trump actually declaring a fully legal business loss on his taxes! Nooooooooooooooo!!!  Honey, get the smelling salts!  Now, let me give you a moment to catch your breath and regain your composure after having this shocking news thrust upon you… Continue reading