Just Say No To Hillary

Never has anyone with a resume so long done so little for so many.  As it relates to Hillary Clinton, one must not conflate political experience with competence, trustworthiness, or honesty.  Even her most ardent surrogates struggle when asked to identify an actual record of accomplishment.  By all accounts, she did next to nothing as NY Senator.  And more recently, of course, her policies as Secretary of State have been unmitigated disasters.  Add to all of this her perpetual scandal ridden history, and her pathological lying…even when the truth will serve her just fine.  In this election, the best case to be made for Donald Trump really lies in the case against Hillary Clinton.

Let’s take a stroll down memory lane, shall we?

Carpetbagger Hillary cut her teeth on her reign of ineptitude during her Senatorial stint in New York…a state she previously never lived in.  As stated in a National Review article on July 28th, 2016 , “In her eight years in the Senate, just one of Hillary’s bills got enacted into law. This bill designated the U.S. courthouse at 40 Centre Street in New York City as the “Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse.”   Further, “There only seems to be one explanation for all of this. Hillary already knew that the Democrats would eventually nominate her to be president. Her strategy was thus to do nothing that could possibly be used against her.  Wow, Bubba had nothing on her…she screwed the whole state of New York!

Hillary has both literally and figuratively embraced Barack Obama during this campaign, thereby shackling herself to his failed policies, both foreign & domestic.  As Secretary of State…a seemingly endless smorgasbord of incompetence.  Her and Obama’s decisions to overthrow governments in Egypt and Libya led to takeovers by the Muslim Brotherhood, and ISIS-style militants, respectively.  Then there was the complete failure of the so-called “Russian reset,” a multitude of failed polices all over the Middle East that led to massive instability and the rise of ISIS…and on & on.  As stated by Dick Cheney in an Op-Ed in the Wall Street journal on Sept. 9th, “Defeating our enemies has been made significantly more difficult by the policies of Barack Obama…No American president has done more to weaken the U.S., hobble our defenses or aid our adversaries. He doesn’t seem to understand that the credible threat of military force gives substance and meaning to our diplomacy. By reducing the size and strength of our forces, he has ensured that future wars will be longer, and put more American lives at risk.”  As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton owns this misery, along with Obama.

We all are well aware of the grocery list of abysmal economic stats. Slowest economic recovery since WWII, (current GDP growth of ~1.0%, and the only President in history to not achieve 3% GDP growth), lowest workforce participation rate in almost 40 years (“real” unemployment rate in the neighborhood of 10%), exploding numbers of people living in poverty and receiving food stamps, a doubling of the national debt under Obama’s watch, yada yada yada.  In a recent column, famed economist and former member of the Reagan Administration Larry Kudlow writes, “Over the past seven-and-a-half years, President Barack Obama has maintained a steady course of burdensome new regulations, significant tax increases, and massive federal spending on so-called infrastructure.”  Referring to Clinton’s economic vision, Kudlow continues, “Her program would raise taxes on so-called rich people, corporations, capital gains, death, and stock transactions. She would spend massively on infrastructure and again mandate rules for private businesses.  Now here’s the question: By repeating Obama’s policies, how does she expect the economy to do any better than it did during Obama’s presidency?  She doesn’t.  Clinton’s goal is not economic growth, but reducing inequality and social injustice in the name of “fairness.” But she never tells us what “fair” means, although we know it’s code for higher taxes and larger government.”  

Getting fatigued by the Clinton/Obama failure marathon?  Still have a little gas in the tank?  OK, lets power ahead with the piece de resistance…Hillary’s 25 year history of scandals, lies, and more lies (with apologies to the vast right-wing conspiracy).  She looked into the eyes of the parents who lost sons in the Benghazi attack and perpetuated the video lie that she knew was 100% false.  The private server, deleted emails AFTER being subpoenaed, hard drives wiped clean, negligent handling of classified information, blackberries smashed with a hammer, “pay-for-play” in the Clinton Foundation…phew!  Any other person on the planet would be under prosecution by the Justice Department, and not running for President…but run out of town on a rail.  Not her.  Yet the lemmings that supporter her and the media ignore it all…move along folks, nothing to see here. Beyond stunning.

So after almost 8 years of Obama, we’re losing our country, folks…if you haven’t noticed. America is on the cusp of being unrecognizable.  In Donald Trump, you have someone who would finally bring strength and leadership back to the White House, not beholden to special interests, whose policies would be based on American ideals, common sense, and pragmatism…not ideology…and who does not bow at the altar of political correctness.  This is far too critical of an election in which to punt.  And not voting, or voting for a 3rd party candidate would be punting, in my view.  Like it or not, either Clinton or Trump will win this election…period.  As polling would suggest, many voters feel they’ve been presented with two crappy choices…fine.  And if Donald Trump happens to represent the least crappy choice for some, then so be it.  Quite frankly, the danger of a Hillary Clinton presidency (and likely multiple Supreme Court picks) should easily trump one’s trepidation about…well, Trump.  There is no perfect candidate, and never will be.  Like everyone else, I have one vote, and a conscience.  And what my conscience tells me is that anything short of a vote for Trump…imperfect as he might be… would in effect be a vote for Hillary Clinton.  And if Trump doesn’t win?  MY conscience will be clear.



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