The Doctor is NOT in

One of my favorite spectator sports has become watching liberals attempting to defend the indefensible.  Doesn’t matter what the particular subject is as they are wrong on pretty much every non-social issue policy position known to man.  My absolute favorite, though, is Obamacare. Even as Obamacare is currently (and quite predictably) imploding before our eyes, the Libs insist on going down with the ship…the Titanic, in this case.  They debate, they roll their eyes, shake their heads, have a mini tantrum, and accuse us Obamacare deniers of not wanting people to have affordable health care…right.  If demagoguing issues was an Olympic sport, they’d have more gold than Michael Phelps.

This piece of legislative garbage was doomed from the start.  How many dozens of times had President Obama assured us all that if we were happy with our current healthcare, we could keep our plans and keep our doctors?  In spewing these monumental and knowing lies, our Proctologist-in-Chief gave us all the legislative equivalent of a collective prostate exam…sans lubricant.  Ouch.  To quote Kevin Bacon in Animal House, “Thank you sir, may I have another!” So, 6+ years after the passage of Obamacare, and after the slow-roll of its provisions taking effect, the thing is completely imploding…as predicted by pretty much everyone on the planet except those sporting a zip code from Liberal Utopia.  A better, targeted approach would have been to expand Medicaid in a way that would enable those in need to obtain healthcare…and somehow redirect the required funding from elsewhere in the budget so as not to add to the national debt.  And leave everyone else’s insurance the hell alone.  Then, at least try to start bending the cost curve by taking advantage of low hanging fruit such as selling insurance across state lines to increase competition, as well as tort reform so doctors don’t have to spend a gazillion dollars on malpractice insurance. These Republican proposals have been shown to have some bipartisan support, and would have been a nice, WAY less intrusive start.

While seemingly prudent measures, these ideas surely flew in the face of the pursuit of the crown jewel of liberalism by Obama and others residing in his progressive tent…single payer healthcare (aka socialized medicine)…or at least some watered down version of it.  Hence, not a single Republican vote in the Senate when Obamacare was signed into law in 2010.  But alas, there seems to be a light at the end of this very dark tunnel.  A provision was inserted into a 2014 spending bill (initiated by Marco Rubio) that significantly limits the amount to which the federal government could spend to protect (i.e., bailout) insurance companies against losses. Fast forward to 2016, and you’re predictably beginning to see major insurers running for the hills.  Just this year, UnitedHealth Group, Humana, and most recently Aetna, have all severely curtailed their policy offerings under Obamacare.  The beginning of the end, to be sure. Quoting from an August 16, 2016 article in The Daily Caller, “Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass) said Aetna’s actions are retribution for the Department of Justice (DOJ) blocking a planned merger with Humana this past summer.”  Uh…I don’t think so, Lizzy.  I kinda suspect it has a little something to do with the half billion dollars of losses suffered by Aetna, thanks to your beloved Obamacare.  So, here’s what I think should happen.  I think Lizzy Warren and that nitwit Nancy “We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it” Pelosi, The Dynamic Duo of Delusional Democrats, should do a Thelma & Louise straight into the Grand Canyon. (Oh c’mon, I could’ve gotten way darker with that vision).

So to sum up, you can mark me down as not a real big fan of Obamacare.  And what better way to close than with a quote from Charles Krauthammer on Fox News from this past June…”Pointy-headed intellectuals designed a program that is collapsing of its own weight, is costing enormous amounts of money, having a terrible effect on the medical profession and I think will be gone one way or the other in several years.”  Couldn’t agree more, Charles.  And the sooner the better.

1 thought on “The Doctor is NOT in

  1. Greg P.

    Well stated, and I couldn’t agree more. The measured alternative approach mentioned makes so much more sense and would have offered a much better path to realistic change for the better. Ramming Obamacare through the way it was done was a mistake, and history will prove it. Now go have another scotch and start writing your next post! 😉


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