The Big Middle Finger

Will there ever be a Clinton scandal big enough to elicit anything more than a collective yawn from the liberal mainstream media?  It sure seems not.  In terms of the Clinton Scandal Conga Line, there have been more smoking guns than in Chicago on a Saturday night.  Yet the enablers abound…the media, the Justice Department, even the Obama Administration. Hillary continues to laugh it all off with Jimmy Kimmel, while the enablers are busy selecting their formal wear for the inaugural ball (Attire: Pants Suit Chic).  All the while, they feign outrage over Donald Trump’s “tone.”

So, as all of this new and damaging information continues to seep out regarding the Clinton Foundation, the plot starts to come together quite nicely…even Stevie Wonder can see this one clearly.  The 30,000 deleted emails, the home-brew server, the myriad of lies…all of it.  It was all to protect the gravy train that is the Clinton Foundation.  The whole classified email investigation was really just a smokescreen (of course, anyone whose initials are not HRC would have been indicted).  In his most recent Washington Post column, Charles Krauthammer writes, “The foundation is a massive family enterprise disguised as a charity, an opaque and elaborate mechanism for sucking money from the rich and the tyrannous to be channeled to Clinton Inc.” Further, The Associated Press found 85 of 154 private (non-governmental) interests that obtained direct access to Clinton either via phone or in person were donors to the foundation to the tune of something north of $150 million.  At this point, the Clinton “Deny Deny Deny” mantra instinctively kicks in.  No quid pro quo here.  Nada.

Many prominent Democrats, and even the New York Times, are calling for Bill & Hill to separate themselves from the Clinton Foundation because of the “appearance” of a potential conflict of interest.  However, they fall all over themselves to point out that there is no proof of any wrongdoing or illegalities.  Completely laughable…how the hell would they know?  As reported on August 11, 2016 in the Washington Times, “…the Obama administration rejected requests from three FBI field offices that wanted to open public corruption cases involving the Clinton Foundation and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.”  Of course, this follows FBI Director James Comey not recommending an indictment, but scolding Hillary on her handling of classified emails, calling her “extremely careless,” when countless people have had the book thrown at them for doing a tiny fraction of what she did…I’m certain General Petraeus would agree.  My God, are we getting this yet?  If you don’t think that the Obama Administration is pulling the strings of the Justice Department and the FBI in an effort to crowbar this woman into the White House, please send me a postcard from the Land of Oz.  And the media continues to sit on the sidelines as spectators with their thumbs inserted firmly into their posteriors.

What really should chap your hide is the cavalier manner in which all of this goes down.  The continued cover up of scandal after scandal by our own government and the liberal media is about as subtle as a brick through a window.  The Obama Administration and the media holding hands and skipping down Main Street, middle fingers gleefully extended at the American public.  Accountability is simply a jumble of meaningless letters in Clinton Land. Obama has rendered the Justice Department impotent, the liberal media continues to act as the safety net below the Clinton tightrope, and we’ll all be wondering what the hell happened as President Pants Suit takes the oath of office in January.


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