Monthly Archives: September 2016

Debate Hangover

The first Trump/Clinton debate had Super Bowl-like ratings, but unlike some Super Bowls, this debate truly lived up to the pre-game hype.  The post-debate, no-spin analysis in my mind is simply a laundry list of painfully obvious punches landed and missed opportunities.  I pretty much go along with the pre-debate conventional wisdom in terms of lower expectations for Trump being a non-politician and this being his first one-on-one debate…FAR different than the primary debates, where there was often eight people on the stage.  I think Trump may have skated on one comment that could be perceived, I suppose, as non-PC…that being the one in the cyber security discussion alluding to a potential hacker being a 400 pound person laying in bed.  He may have lost the 400-pounder vote on that little faux pas.  Oh well…live & learn.  I immediately thought he was referring to Rosie O’Donnell…but admittedly, that would be pure speculation on my part. Continue reading

Just Say No To Hillary

Never has anyone with a resume so long done so little for so many.  As it relates to Hillary Clinton, one must not conflate political experience with competence, trustworthiness, or honesty.  Even her most ardent surrogates struggle when asked to identify an actual record of accomplishment.  By all accounts, she did next to nothing as NY Senator.  And more recently, of course, her policies as Secretary of State have been unmitigated disasters.  Add to all of this her perpetual scandal ridden history, and her pathological lying…even when the truth will serve her just fine.  In this election, the best case to be made for Donald Trump really lies in the case against Hillary Clinton.

Let’s take a stroll down memory lane, shall we? Continue reading

Hillary’s 47% Moment…On Steroids

I’d like to sincerely thank Hillary Clinton.  No, really.  You see, it’s just that I was grappling with what to write about this week.  So much liberal BS and media bias…so little time.  Like being overwhelmed with a zillion choices at the Chinese…uh, Asian…buffet.  Then, that ever elusive moment of clarity, courtesy of the Queen of Corruption herself, Hillary Clinton, and the following quote…“You know, just to be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic — you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up. He has given voice to their websites that used to only have 11,000 people, now have 11 million. He tweets and retweets offensive, hateful, mean-spirited rhetoric. Now some of those folks, they are irredeemable. But thankfully they are not America.”  Wow.  And she even forgot the part about how my mother wears army boots.

Without a doubt, her 47% moment.  But worse.  Way, way worse. Continue reading

The Doctor is NOT in

One of my favorite spectator sports has become watching liberals attempting to defend the indefensible.  Doesn’t matter what the particular subject is as they are wrong on pretty much every non-social issue policy position known to man.  My absolute favorite, though, is Obamacare. Even as Obamacare is currently (and quite predictably) imploding before our eyes, the Libs insist on going down with the ship…the Titanic, in this case.  They debate, they roll their eyes, shake their heads, have a mini tantrum, and accuse us Obamacare deniers of not wanting people to have affordable health care…right.  If demagoguing issues was an Olympic sport, they’d have more gold than Michael Phelps. Continue reading

The Big Middle Finger

Will there ever be a Clinton scandal big enough to elicit anything more than a collective yawn from the liberal mainstream media?  It sure seems not.  In terms of the Clinton Scandal Conga Line, there have been more smoking guns than in Chicago on a Saturday night.  Yet the enablers abound…the media, the Justice Department, even the Obama Administration. Hillary continues to laugh it all off with Jimmy Kimmel, while the enablers are busy selecting their formal wear for the inaugural ball (Attire: Pants Suit Chic).  All the while, they feign outrage over Donald Trump’s “tone.” Continue reading