“What The Hell Do You Have To Lose”

Last week, Donald Trump made the mistake of telling the truth (a completely foreign concept to Mrs. Bill Clinton), and of course got universally lambasted in the liberal media for it.  During a speech, The Donald had the gall to not just suggest, but to state emphatically, that decades worth of liberal policies have ruined many American cities, and doomed many African Americans to a life of perpetual government dependence.  Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Milwaukee…the list goes on.  Trump then simply asked for the support of the African American community, and in his usual blunt style, posed the question, “What the hell do you have to lose.”

The GOP has forever been criticized for not reaching out enough to the black community…if at all.  I suppose I understand this to some degree from a politically strategic standpoint.  Why devote limited campaign resources to courting the African American vote when they historically vote 95% Democratic?  That’s the political equivalent of climbing Mount Everest.  This does not deter Trump however, nor should it. Does he think he can break the seemingly Pavlovian response by many in the African American community…being showered with ever-increasing government benefits and assistance, which in turn elicits the pulling of that “D” lever in the voting booth?  Apparently so. But bad habits are sure hard to break.

The liberal media reaction to all of this was as predictable as a Kenyan winning the next New York City marathon.  If one is so inclined to peruse around the internet on this subject, the mountain of stats are there for all to see.  Crime rates, poverty rates, minority unemployment…and on & on.  Those cities that have been run for decades by liberal democrat mayors have the worst numbers by far.  As the liberal media scoffs at this cause & effect, their response has been to simply continue their Trump bashing riff (How do I hate thee?…Let me count the ways).  The NY Times, The Washington Post, and all the other usual suspects.  In their Liberal Utopia, facts that run contrary to their narrative don’t exist, and the streets are paved with gold confiscated from rich people.

And speaking of New York City…let’s explore just how long it takes a Socialist such as Comrade Bill De Blasio to undo the positive results of many years of Republican stewardship…twenty years to be exact between Rudy Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg.  These two Republican mayors took a city languishing in crime & poverty after decades of Democratic leadership and transformed it into one of the safest and revitalized large cities in America…through more aggressive policing and other measures.  Then Bill De Blasio took the helm in 2014.  Fast forward two years…quoting from a Jan 2016 New York Post article titled, De Blasio is undoing all the quality of life gains of the last 25 years, “…City Hall now seems hell-bent to turn the streets into disorderly premises of the sort not seen since David Dinkins lived in Gracie Mansion.  But not to worry: It’s all happening in the name of racial justice, so that makes it A-OK – even if minorities stand to be the biggest losers.” (David Dinkins immediately preceded Rudy Giuliani as mayor of NYC).

To be sure, Trump needs to follow-up this initial outreach to the African American community (delivered to a mostly white audience), in a more direct manner…via black churches and other avenues upon which he can have a more intimate back and forth.  This has to happen.  And I believe Trump has the cojones to make it happen…where others in the GOP have so miserably failed in the past.

2 thoughts on ““What The Hell Do You Have To Lose”

  1. Frank Steele

    Don’t worry – no matter what happens trump will be labeled as racist, even though ive yet to have anyone point me to anything he’s ever said that’s racist (and no, saying Mexico is trying to import criminals and rapists into the US isn’t racist). All of it is just a diversion for the less politically educated to make a decision based on the blanket statements they make based on corrupt opinions.


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