Crazy Uncle Joe

What a momentous occasion…my very first blog post.  As the theme and focus of this blog is going to be exposing and highlighting left wing hypocrisy, double standards, and media bias, the population of material upon which I can choose for my initial post is quite overwhelming. However, after some deep contemplation (and just a smidge of single malt scotch), I was engulfed by an extreme (& very rare) moment of clarity.  For my first post, I shall opine about Crazy Uncle Joe Biden’s very first campaign appearance with Hillary “Are you gonna believe me or your lyin’ eyes” Clinton.  A day of firsts, indeed.

In the midst of enduring about 16 minutes of hearing that Trump is evil, worse than Hitler, and likes to run over puppies with his golf cart, a few specific references snuck into Biden’s diatribe that had the very familiar drip, drip, drip of hypocrisy.  The first…Trump has no clue about national security.  Let’s see…deadly terrorist attacks are occurring as often as Seinfeld reruns, and the southern border is a gigantic welcome mat to anyone with two legs who can dance across it…including terrorists and criminals.  So…what was that about national security, Joe?

Donald Trump’s shame has no limits.  Hey Joe, you’re stumping for one of the most dishonest and corrupt politicians on the planet.  If not for political forces protecting her and a completely disinterested and cheerleading media, she’d probably be facing prosecution from the Justice Department & out of the race.  From where I’m sitting, Crazy Uncle Joe can compete quite nicely with The Donald in the shame department.

Biden said that Trump calling Obama the founder of ISIS was outrageous and dangerous. It sure seems as though both the Democrats and the media are not familiar with what is commonly referred to as hyperbole.  Of course Trump was referring to how the policies of the Obama/Clinton regime related to pulling troops out of Iraq, as well as intervention in Libya created a vacuum which ISIS was all too happy to fill.  Intellectual dishonesty?  Off the charts. Strangely, I didn’t hear a peep out of Joe when last December during a Democratic debate in Manchester, New Hampshire, Hillary said that Trump “is becoming ISIS’ best recruiter.”  Of course, the screaming difference here is that Trump’s reference is based on an actual occurrence, and Hillary’s was based on simply the perceived effect of provocative campaign rhetoric.

And back by popular demand, a blast from the past…referring to the growing Indian population in Delaware in 2006, Crazy Uncle Joe utters, “You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.  I’m not joking.”  And that was 10 years ago.  I think even Joe might not say that today…if he could help himself.  To my recollection, there was modest coverage of this at the time among the liberal media precincts…most likely on page 16, right below the ladies underwear ads.  Man, if a Republican had said this…well, you know the rest.








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