Monthly Archives: August 2016

“What The Hell Do You Have To Lose”

Last week, Donald Trump made the mistake of telling the truth (a completely foreign concept to Mrs. Bill Clinton), and of course got universally lambasted in the liberal media for it.  During a speech, The Donald had the gall to not just suggest, but to state emphatically, that decades worth of liberal policies have ruined many American cities, and doomed many African Americans to a life of perpetual government dependence.  Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Milwaukee…the list goes on.  Trump then simply asked for the support of the African American community, and in his usual blunt style, posed the question, “What the hell do you have to lose.” Continue reading

Crazy Uncle Joe

What a momentous occasion…my very first blog post.  As the theme and focus of this blog is going to be exposing and highlighting left wing hypocrisy, double standards, and media bias, the population of material upon which I can choose for my initial post is quite overwhelming. However, after some deep contemplation (and just a smidge of single malt scotch), I was engulfed by an extreme (& very rare) moment of clarity.  For my first post, I shall opine about Crazy Uncle Joe Biden’s very first campaign appearance with Hillary “Are you gonna believe me or your lyin’ eyes” Clinton.  A day of firsts, indeed. Continue reading